Lasersharking With Ashley travels as far south as the U.S road will take us to meet Enrique Morones, founder of Border Angels. He takes us on a tour of the U.S/Mexico border as we talk about his work to reduce the unnecessary deaths of desperate migrants and bring humanity to our immigration policy. We capture for you the evolution of a unique park, International Friendship Park, located directly on the border and the people and projects that are drawn to this place. Martina of San Diego Noire comes along to blog this adventure with us.
A big thank you to Enrique Morones and Border Angels, www.borderangels.org
The organizers and artists with The Aja Project, www.ajaproject.org
Martina Trejo with San Diego Noire, www.sandiegonoire.com
Volunteers of www.unitedwomenofeastafrica.org