I'm a lesbian woman who believes in God AND science. I love bicycles, laughter, sci-fi and afrofuturism, Wonder Woman (women in general), video games, RPGs, innovation, decades of culture, reviewing consumer products, some good conversation, and I have a sincere appreciation for music. I curse a little and I am a triplet. That's right, I was born in a litter of humans....So you see, I too am a lasershark, a Frankenstein of good things, like Nefertiti riding a T-rex, or Einstein sticking out his tongue, like the precursor to this emoji ;P
I'm willing to bet that you are too, frenzy. We are lasersharks.
Photo Description: This is a photo of my face since you maybe wondering what I look like. With a warm and boozy expression, I'm wearing a green necklace that my mom gave me, that matches the green beer I am holding.
Lasersharking with Ashley is an engaging podcast that never forgets it’s sense of wonder and variety. Inspired heavily by the golden age of radio and early black appeal outlets, Lasersharking with Ashley experiments with different show formats and combines all things awesome like …sharks with lasers.
The Name: RPGgeek.com defines lasersharking as "the act of combining two or more 'cool' elements in one setting, character, or game, based on the erroneous assumption that combining two cool things will result in something twice as cool".
The Motive: When you start doing a podcast they tell you "pick a topic, pick a niche subject". I say F that, I'm not a niche chick. Just kiddin'....I couldn't narrow it down. So I thought, let's get all of the cool things assembled like the Power Rangers morphin' into a Megazord, or Captain Planet "with our powers combined", or.....sharks with lasers!
What's It To You?: When you're tired of your regular scheduled podcasts that are either talking heads sharing their opinion of the day, armchair experts, celebrities, or tea spillers...come lasershark with me and rediscover life's wonder and your sense of variety.
Things to look forward to: Street interviews, long distance beer & wine tastings with a chosen listener, discussing social curiosities with diverse communities, exploration & experiments, field trips, consumer product reviews from our listeners who took a cheap gamble, storytelling and nostalgia, featured listeners with an art form to share, real conversations with humor and empathy, scripted comedy and drama, short stories, exchanging family recipes, exploring the DNA of sampled music, fits of geeking out, and whatever else we can Lasershark together....all with a touch of (LGBT) glitter, (black girl) magic, lace, and leather.